After finishing music school, I moved back in with my parents…temporarily. it was so embarrassing that within a few months I was already living most of the time at my girlfriend’s and soon enough (when she was sick of having me there all the time) I found a place of my own. The Valhalla House. The story… Continue reading Lyle and that thing on his arm
Month: August 2012
swim for the light
(photo courtesy of Stephen Pruitt) ‘Why are you so into turtles?’ I get asked often. Instead of a traditional wedding ring, my wife and I chose turtle rings. We lived in Aspen when we were first married, and there was a Kieselstein-Cord shop there. Do you know this designer? Known for alligator/crocodile belt buckles and… Continue reading swim for the light
a rainy bug for your contemplative pleasure
After several relatively humid days here in Bavaria’s capital, we’ve had a few days of scattered showers. Aren’t you glad you came here for the weather report on The Previous Week in Munich? I’m happy to be of help, you know. At your service and all that. So, on the terrace this morning there was… Continue reading a rainy bug for your contemplative pleasure
pre dusk moment in Munich during a break in the clouds
Had a few minutes yesterday evening between appointments and got this shot of the sunset while standing at the entrance to the Odeonsplatz U-Bahn station. I love this city, which I think is self evident by the way I write about it. Sometimes, I’m so busy hustling here and bustling to somewhere else that I… Continue reading pre dusk moment in Munich during a break in the clouds
a visit to the The Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment
There was a time when we were begging for an instalment from our London correspondent, but luckily that is behind us. After publishing his recent piece on the London Olympics, he appears to have been bitten by the writing bug. We here at the Lahikmajoe have been so wrapped up in our own idling… Continue reading a visit to the The Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment
under some of our noses
I was frustrated last month at how little time my new job was allowing me for blogging. Ridiculous, eh? Here I have this great opportunity to help start an English-language weekly newspaper in Munich, and I’m worried about my little, personal site. Here’s the thing, though. It needn’t be either/or. I could focus all of… Continue reading under some of our noses
idling right
Played a private party on the Isar this evening, and it really was quite enjoyable. Relaxed and a bit languid, even. I told Jarrod that I used to play gigs in a tuxedo and this was much more fulfilling. Wouldn’t go back to that earlier life as a musician for anything. Not that anyone misses… Continue reading idling right
Shades Of Gold
A while back, I wrote introducing my London correspondent. In it, I promised a bit about idling at the Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment. A vast swath of my loyal readers have probably felt let down by the many weeks of silence on the matter. I could chalk it up to too much… Continue reading Shades Of Gold
little Vizslas
Insomnia has struck, so I’m up in the night looking at old photos. Have another blogpost in the works about Schoko Bär, but it’s not quite ready, so this’ll have to do. These are photos from when Ella and Louis were still tiny. Puppies are a bit like babies in that everyone thinks their precious… Continue reading little Vizslas
free beer
When I was still relatively new in Bavaria, well Munich to be precise, my U-Bahn line was extended and they were offering free beer. Well, there was also a party in celebration of the new underground station, but the only part I heard when someone told me about it was ‘free beer’. That was all… Continue reading free beer