Five things to harass the Dying

Recently, I was handed a German article about five things one should or could say to the dying to help them in their journey to the afterlife. Never to pass up an opportunity to take the piss, I’ve decided to write my own list. Here are Five things to harass the dying: Remind them what… Continue reading Five things to harass the Dying

The Rejection Collection

Went to a show of support for Munich’s Amerikahaus, which was a last minute attempt to save this organisation that’s been at this location for more than fifty-five years. Perhaps it’ll continue in some form, but the American-Bavarian cultural centre will never be the same. It’s a sad moment in the history of the city.… Continue reading The Rejection Collection

All Things Goat

I know it’s been mentioned here before, but I have somehow backed into being some sort of authority on goats. Stalling for time, I posted a photo of me with some goats and slapped the title ‘You Can’t Always Expect Goats‘ on it. Little did I know that after I pressed ‘publish’ I would be… Continue reading All Things Goat

fast food

[youtube] Sometimes when I want to write about something, I search through stock photo websites for the perfect photo to go with my thoughts. Often, the visuals remind me of a photo I’ve taken, so then I go manically  through my library to see if I can use one of my own. It’s then… Continue reading fast food