travelling with Out of True as it was intended

So, one day in the mail, this little green book arrived. Poetry? Who reads poetry these days? Oh, I know. Guy Clark does. He says this in one of my favourite of his songs: ‘Here’s a book of poems I got From a girl I used to know I guess I read it front to… Continue reading travelling with Out of True as it was intended

going home (if there even is such a thing)

This might be a bit strange- this blogpost. Yes, I’m aware my writing can be odd on a semiregular basis, so this isn’t necessarily the most shocking opening gambit, but nevertheless…you’ve been warned. See, I want to ask one of those big questions that blogging really isn’t capable of tackling. This is a novel-sized theme.… Continue reading going home (if there even is such a thing)

a visit to the The Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment

  There was a time when we were begging for an instalment from our London correspondent, but luckily that is behind us. After publishing his recent  piece on the London Olympics, he appears to have been bitten by the writing bug. We here at the Lahikmajoe have been so wrapped up in our own idling… Continue reading a visit to the The Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment

not very anonymous

Haven’t ever seen a movie by Roland Emmerich.  Until today that is.  It’s actually something I was rather proud of. And even a bit smug. How can you know you wouldn’t like it if you’d never seen one?  His sort of movie wasn’t my cup of tea (You knew I’d squeeze a little bit of tea… Continue reading not very anonymous