Ok, so here’s some news: My friend Patrick White, who I knew as a guitarist, is now a bass player. And a good one. He plays in a band in Portland called Bike Thief, and they’ve got a new record. Some of you are probably already scolding me, ‘Hey lahikmajoe, they don’t call… Continue reading Bike Thief, Motherscratchers
Month: August 2014
loud, dirty and grey…just the way we like it
“Die Berliner sind unfreundlich und rücksichtslos, ruppig und rechthaberisch, Berlin ist abstoßend, laut, dreckig und grau, Baustellen und verstopfte Straßen, wo man geht und steht – aber mir tun alle Menschen leid, die nicht hier leben können!” (“The Berliners are unfriendly and inconsiderate, gruff and self-opinionated, Berlin is repulsive, loud, dirty and grey, construction works and… Continue reading loud, dirty and grey…just the way we like it
Hanging out in my temporary Wohnzimmer
As Joni sings in my thoughts, ‘You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone…’, I’ve spent this week in Berlin without wifi. It’s been more difficult than I imagined. Originally, I assumed I could make it work by just frequenting cafés that were wifi friendly. It hasn’t worked out that way exactly. Although there… Continue reading Hanging out in my temporary Wohnzimmer
Club of the Polish losers
I’ve seen this place before, but it’s not been open when I happened by. At some point I want to go in and see if they’re being hipster ironic or if this place is what they say they are. And what’s a Polish loser like anyway? How might he be different from any other run… Continue reading Club of the Polish losers
Bound to be adventures in Berlin
Going to Berlin tomorrow, and although there’s no wifi in the flat we’re staying in, the city is purportedly all wired up. You can connect anywhere there, or so I’ve been told. I’ve written about the capital of Germany on this blog before. What, you don’t believe me? Check out these links: Berlin, Berlin,… Continue reading Bound to be adventures in Berlin
Simply staring out the window
Stumbling round the web today, I happened upon a New York Times article that was talking about how our brains work. The whole thing is worth reading, so I’ll link to it here: Hit the Reset Button in Your Brain However, you don’t need to read the whole thing to get what I thought… Continue reading Simply staring out the window
The Media’s ‘Silly Season’ is Upon us – What the Germans call the Sommerloch
This originally appeared in MunichNOW, which you can find here: The Media’s ‘Silly Season’ is Upon us – What the Germans call the Sommerloch We have entered what the Germans call the Sommerloch, which is yet another example of a German word for a situation that we did not even know was needed. Directly translated,… Continue reading The Media’s ‘Silly Season’ is Upon us – What the Germans call the Sommerloch
Don’t call me right now
‘Can you just go without your phone for a few minutes?’ He asked me this and I thought, ‘Yes, of course. It’s the weekend. No-one’s trying to reach me right now. I’ve got plenty to be doing, anyway…’ That was several hours ago. I wish I could say this was easy. To be truthful, this… Continue reading Don’t call me right now