So, one day in the mail, this little green book arrived. Poetry? Who reads poetry these days? Oh, I know. Guy Clark does. He says this in one of my favourite of his songs: ‘Here’s a book of poems I got From a girl I used to know I guess I read it front to… Continue reading travelling with Out of True as it was intended
Category: book reviewing
keep dreaming on
Although I’m not a book blogger, I know quite a few of those people and read them with relish. The thing is that I love reading and really enjoy pulling my favourite parts out of books, but I rarely feel I do a book justice when I try to review it. I suppose I could… Continue reading keep dreaming on
perplexed by an unsolicited package
This is the perfect blogpost for tumblr. That site still confuses and irritates me, but I’ve been spending more time there and eventually I’ll understand how to better create tumblr content. But…this: what I’m about to write…it’s not a full blogpost. It’s an unfinished thought. It’s the beginning of a story and the promise of… Continue reading perplexed by an unsolicited package