Have you ever wanted to just yell at someone, but you couldn’t? Anti-social as it might be, sometimes the only thing that will satisfy that desire is to let loose. To open your pie-hole and just unload a torrent of abuse. If there were only a place that would let you get that aggression out.… Continue reading curse all you want
Month: July 2012
What would you do if you had a million dollars?
Wanted to do something special here for my hundredth blogpost, and little did I know that the subject would be chosen so perfectly for me. If you’ve been reading here for a while, you know that one of my blogging compadres is the blog lady over at Lucy’s Football. Well, her life in general and… Continue reading What would you do if you had a million dollars?
cuttlefish: even the name sounds sneaky
This has been a bit of a weird predicament for me, but finally I can do something. I knew that The Munich Times had some intriguing articles in the Science section, but they were only in the print edition. I wanted to talk about them, but not until they’d been put online. Well, for some… Continue reading cuttlefish: even the name sounds sneaky
getting a baby’s consent is no easy matter
Several years ago, I was reading Gary Shteyngart‘s 2006 Absurdistan, and there was one thing I found rather curious. It’s possible that everyone knows about this, but in my circle of friends the topic of late-in-life circumcision rarely, if ever, comes up. Ahem…as it were. This is undoubtedly a sensitive subject, and I assumed the author… Continue reading getting a baby’s consent is no easy matter