in your autumn sweater

It’s seasonal, I’m sure. The air gets cooler; those around me start whinging about it. Those of us walking dogs get our parks back and needn’t share them with fair-weather nature lovers. People’s social media feeds are filled with photos and posts about leaves and Pumpkin Spice hot beverages and the like. Some who’ve had… Continue reading in your autumn sweater

Fully upright, I might add (Octoberfest edition)

Sleeping rough in your best Lederhosen? Yes, it’s that time of year in Munich. The Oktoberfest has arrived and shot off with a vengeance. The celebrating is in full swing. It does look a bit like there are casualties on the hill above the huge Volksfest, as the people who started quite early take a… Continue reading Fully upright, I might add (Octoberfest edition)

Ushering them out the door: don’t tell a Scot what to do

Have been chatting with the Scots in my circle of friends, and it looks like they’re going to go with Independence. This has been building for a while…apparently the whole ‘We’d rather govern ourselves‘ thing isn’t a new concept up north. The curious thing is that not so long ago I agreed with the pundits… Continue reading Ushering them out the door: don’t tell a Scot what to do

more daydreaming

This sculpture is one I pass regularly as I walk my dogs Ella and Louis along the River Isar. Something about her staring off in the distance pleases me immeasurably. Recently, I noticed that someone had spray painted some nonsense on her side, and I thought, ‘I’m glad I’ve got multiple photos of her without… Continue reading more daydreaming

Another coffee, please…oh, and why are you so worried about people looking through your stuff?

Mostly I write at home, but sometimes between appointments I find myself scratching something out in a café. Like this one. There’s a column in one of the local papers where readers ask questions and one of the journalists answers in depth. Well, as in depth as is possible in a few paragraphs. The question… Continue reading Another coffee, please…oh, and why are you so worried about people looking through your stuff?