Patio Design Ideas

If you went looking for the writing of lahikmajoe and found yourself browsing through patio furniture, here’s the skinny on what happened. Originally the .com address took you to the tea blog. There was plenty of traffic there, as it was an irreverent and comical attempt at a blog about tea drinking. It was a… Continue reading Patio Design Ideas

all we’ve got

‘ “The  past,” he said, resting three fingers across the mouth of his cup to keep Bea from pouring yet another refill, “is a gravity. It holds you to the earth, but it also keeps pulling you down, trying, like the earth itself, to reclaim you. And the future, always looking that direction, planning, anticipating… Continue reading all we’ve got

do what you love

Lahikmajoe as a wee lad...

This is one of my photos from London, and I’ve been considering different ways to continue blogging about those two trips. See, for those who haven’t been following at home, I went to London to see Robert Godden and hang out with my friends Nigel (this blog’s London correspondent) and @elaine4queeen this autumn, and then… Continue reading do what you love

six months at The Munich Times and then The Munich Eye

People hear again and again that print journalism is dead, but when it comes right down to it, some people just want to hold the paper in their hands. You’d think that being a journalist opened doors for you, but often the worst thing you can do is say, ‘I write for a newspaper.‘ (I… Continue reading six months at The Munich Times and then The Munich Eye

a visit to the The Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment

  There was a time when we were begging for an instalment from our London correspondent, but luckily that is behind us. After publishing his recent  piece on the London Olympics, he appears to have been bitten by the writing bug. We here at the Lahikmajoe have been so wrapped up in our own idling… Continue reading a visit to the The Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment

What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Wanted to do something special here for my hundredth blogpost, and little did I know that the subject would be chosen so perfectly for me. If you’ve been reading here for a while, you know that one of my blogging compadres is the blog lady over at Lucy’s Football.  Well, her life in general and… Continue reading What would you do if you had a million dollars?

a grand total of seventy-four

Stumbling round the web today, I happened upon McSweeney’s, which I’m certain I’ll be returning to for inspiration. I’m not kidding; there was so much wisdom (or satire of wisdom) to pass on that I could easily make this whole blog a ‘What I read on McSweeney’s site’. Wait, let me ponder that one a… Continue reading a grand total of seventy-four