Was about to say that I hadn’t talked about turtles in a while, but I went back and looked at my earlier posts on this blog and there’s nothing turtle-related. Not a damned thing. Which is a bit strange, because I’m really into turtles. And? There’s a beautiful human female riding atop the turtle. Not… Continue reading shameless self promotion
Tag: turtles
swim for the light
(photo courtesy of Stephen Pruitt) ‘Why are you so into turtles?’ I get asked often. Instead of a traditional wedding ring, my wife and I chose turtle rings. We lived in Aspen when we were first married, and there was a Kieselstein-Cord shop there. Do you know this designer? Known for alligator/crocodile belt buckles and… Continue reading swim for the light
We’re going to the zoo
Do you remember Knut? This was not simply a German phenomenon. He became news around the world. Born in late 2006, Knut brought record numbers of visitors flocking to an already popular zoo. The story was compelling, because he was rejected by his mother and raised primarily by his handler Thomas Dörflein, who sadly died… Continue reading We’re going to the zoo