German words and not talking opera

You know, it can be a bit odd when you tell someone you like living in Germany. The person cocks his head, and either says it outright or visibly thinks, ‘But you could live in Spain or Italy…or anywhere. Why Germany?’ Then you admit that you actually enjoy speaking the German language…oh, and that you genuinely like the people. The… Continue reading German words and not talking opera

Don’t Mess with the River Isar

Don’t Mess with the River Isar Oh man. This is good. There are plenty of things I’ve got to write about, but this Don’t Litter ad is making the rounds – I saw it at the Eldorado Cinema last night – and I think it’s brilliant. At the end, it says, ‘Zuhause machst du’s ja… Continue reading Don’t Mess with the River Isar

Unterwegs with plenty I should be doing otherwise

The FilmfestMünchen is thankfully behind us. It’s the only week of the year where we can see a variety of independent film and even some not-yet-released-in-Europe bigger movies; however, the way I do it involves quite a lot of screenings. My eyes may or may not be rectangular, as a result. There are still reviews… Continue reading Unterwegs with plenty I should be doing otherwise