A week and a half in Austria on holiday, and it’s taken me this long to get round to sharing my meditations on cows with you? What’s wrong with this picture? We’re staying at a Hütte (cabin) behind a dairy farm about half an hour south of Kitzbühel, and I assure you: I prefer the… Continue reading Austria isn’t only for cows
Category: Uncategorized
Doing business in DACH (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland) on the fly
While writing about my clients’ needs branching out and doing business outside of Germany, I realised it might be easier to explain German business to the Germans themselves. As an Ausländer (foreigner). Why? Many small and medium sized companies in Germany, Austria and even Switzerland (the DACH Region) still do more business at home or… Continue reading Doing business in DACH (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland) on the fly
Musings on finding one’s purpose and a sojourn in the classroom
What have I been doing the last few months, aside from working with clients and doing music and running lines (and being a camp counselor) for this actor’s workshop down in Tuscany that my friend Katharina did annually before the pandemic and has begun again (finally!), and why have I been so distracted by it… Continue reading Musings on finding one’s purpose and a sojourn in the classroom
Back in the groove
One of the reasons I recommend an editorial calendar to my clients is to avoid exactly what’s happened to me the last few months. I’ve been snowed under with work and family responsibilities, as well as starting a Master’s programme in the UK, so there just hasn’t been time for blogging or my normal activities… Continue reading Back in the groove
Twitter? I hardly know *anyone* there
This next week, I’m tweeting for a local account, which I did for a week nearly a decade back and it was HORRIBLE. Learned sooooooooo much about biting off more than I could chew, by being unable to adequately manage the account, while my personal life was in complete free fall. Next week, though? Gonna… Continue reading Twitter? I hardly know *anyone* there
Manly in Landshut
Every Tuesday, I’ve got a teaching gig in one of my favourite places in Bavaria, hell all of Germany. Whether it’s their infamous Landshuter Hochzeit (wedding) or the Burg Trausnitz (Trausnitz castle), this place is content gold. Expect many more posts from this beautiful small city about an hour or so northwest of my home… Continue reading Manly in Landshut
George told me to shut up, and…for a change? I listened
Above you’ll see me with one of my favourite people on the planet. Robert is nuts, but it’s a good nuts. George is almost as nuts as Robert and I are, but not quite. We’ve set a high bar, to be fair. Who’s George, you ask? Let me provide a bit of context I’ve got… Continue reading George told me to shut up, and…for a change? I listened
Schäfflertanz in the distant past…and again today
My family is hurrying out of the house, so we can go see these guys dance here in our little village. If we leave RIGHT NOW, we just might make it. It’s the first time the #progeny will see them, so I’m quite excited. Will share the experience as soon as I’ve got new footage.
Louis in his element
So when’s he gonna stop already with #EllaandLouis?
Above is a photo of Ella *ahem* cleaning her brother…it was always so funny to tell Louis not to pee on his sister, because he so regularly did. They were with me nearly fifteen years, and with my friend Larissa’s artwork of them, I still have a daily reminder of them on my wall in… Continue reading So when’s he gonna stop already with #EllaandLouis?