under some of our noses

our future readers

I was frustrated last month at how little time my new job was allowing me for blogging. Ridiculous, eh? Here I have this great opportunity to help start an English-language weekly newspaper in Munich, and I’m worried about my little, personal site.

Here’s the thing, though. It needn’t be either/or. I could focus all of my energy on the paper, like I did for most of July and the beginning of August, or I could keep working diligently for The Munich Eye and mine that site for topics to be used over here.

That was how I originally envisioned it, after all. When I first talked to William Smyth, the editor of The Munich Eye (formerly The Munich Times), I thought I’d be doing a bit of writing for this fledgling startup. What a thought. For years, I’d been selling articles here and there. An article about tea on one website. A list about Die 10 einflussreichsten Songwriter, die kaum jemand kennt (The ten most influential songwriters you’ve probably never heard of was my original English title) on another one.

Yet, here was a chance to write regularly for a publication nearby. I wasn’t going to miss out on this opportunity. Little did I know what was in store for me. Nearly five months later, I still have no idea how good this thing could become.

Starting in early July, we went into print and each week we attracted more attention. Writers and photographers came out of the woodwork. People we didn’t even know existed were here under our noses all along. Well, not literally. It’s not very safe under our noses. Allergies and all.


  1. I’ve had the same problem lately. Except, instead of it being a writing gig that’s taken my energy away from blogging, it’s a physically taxing job. Still…I’m kinda proud fo what you’re accomplishing here.

    1. Somebody remarked on my social media presence recently, and I had to be honest.

      A lot of my numbers have everything to do with tea blogging. The tea people I’ve met and with whom I’ve interacted are some of the most warm, caring people I’ve ever met.

      It’s been said the Web 2.0 will eventually help us all find our tribe. I’m so pleased I’ve found part of mine and that you’re in it. Thanks Geoff.

  2. Whatever comes of this opportunity, I hope you’re glad that you seized it. It’s a wonderful newspaper you’ve put together, and you’ll always have been part of its foundation, whatever path it may take from here.

  3. I’m kind of busting-my-buttons proud of you, bon vivant. You know that? Totally am.

    Get back here, buttons, you’ll put someone’s eye out.

    The paper’s fantastic. It gets better every week. They’re so lucky to have you. And you’re really flourishing there. It’s just a perfect fit for you. I really believe that.

    Such is the life of a world-traveling bon vivant. Can’t wait to see what adventure’s next. (Wait, I can come along, right?)

  4. Happy that Munich is getting one of our finest writers. May you soar high into the world of publishing, but don’t forget your humble friends still holding out their tea cups. So many tea drinkers in every corner. Congrats!

    1. Thanks Amy and Jackie. Really appreciate it. You have been two of my biggest supporters, and I’m truly grateful.

      I realise my teablogging has suffered as a result of all of this. Wish I could say the end was in sight, but then I really don’t. The best case scenario at this point is that the paper gets into a nice rhythm and I can continue to write for all of my other sites.

      Easier said than done, I know. My goal is to at least write something new twice a week. Once a week at the very least. We’ll see.

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