Ok, the first thing I want to say is that when it comes to Feckbook, people just need to settle down. It’s a platform that has changed not just the landscape of the Internet, but has altered the way many people live their lives. It’s not going anywhere in the foreseeable future, so either… Continue reading Why do people take the wrong things about Facebook so seriously?
Month: November 2014
We are all God’s children. Don’t forget that shit.
Wasn’t going to blog about this topic, but this photo swayed me. Not going to get into what happened this week in Ferguson, Missouri and the maelstrom of Internet drama that followed. Enough has been said, and although I’m certain there’s much more that needs to be said, I’m not sure I’m the one to say… Continue reading We are all God’s children. Don’t forget that shit.
Adventures in Social media; about.me and Nutty Party Productions
Check it out. Elaine Axten is not only using her social media knowledge, but her firsthand experience with the history of blogging and the most social aspects of Web 2.0 make her a compelling read. Doesn’t hurt that she name checks me, either.
Social media strategies: what NOT to do
Have been doing more freelance work with social media recently, and this cartoon had me chuckling. How many times have you been stumbling round the web, and one of your friends, that you thought wasn’t so bad, made one of these blunders. No emo status updates people. Truly – it’s just bad form. The Complainer’s… Continue reading Social media strategies: what NOT to do
Once you get a taste of The Daily Argus, you can’t get enough
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSE6I11YVsw] This YouTube video made my day, and I was already having a rather good one to begin with. A good day, that is. It’s a Vizsla trying to get a Tater Tot…the YouTube blurb says that after the taping, Argus eventually got the object of his desire. Heart warming, eh? You know this… Continue reading Once you get a taste of The Daily Argus, you can’t get enough
Creative Storytelling: Five Ideas
Wow, I really like these ideas. While already employing some of them, I plan to incorporate even more. Thanks The Daily Post. Good stuff.
Paid in Guinea Pigs
For a long time, Elaine said that she would only be paid in Guineas. Because someone insisted that Guineas are not legal tender, she’s now accepting Guinea Pigs instead. So, while we were chatting about it, I remembered that I had a book about Guinea Pigs in German. However, they don’t use that word – they’ve… Continue reading Paid in Guinea Pigs
Having cake and discussing which direction we’re all going
Although I’ve got writing assignments and plenty of other obligations, I realised recently that I hadn’t been keeping the horde of my readers up to date on what’s going on hereabouts. For one thing, Elaine came to visit and we continued our Cake Across Europe tour that we began last year in Palermo. Oh, here’s a… Continue reading Having cake and discussing which direction we’re all going
Germany’s Fateful Day and America’s Day of Destiny
Spent most of the weekend reading a seemingly endless number of articles in both German and English about the fall of the Berlin Wall a quarter of a century ago today. While I might still write about it after digesting the data, here’s what Michael Owens had to say.
The Future of Augmented Reality with Metaio 6
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX6w1xgX3Kg] If you had walked around the stands at InsideAR last week here in Munich, you would have likely been astounded at both what was available, and more importantly, what was on the horizon in the world of AR (Augmented Reality). Because the event was hosted by Metaio, its products were firmly center stage… Continue reading The Future of Augmented Reality with Metaio 6