wait and drink tea

I have a friend who definitely believes in the Pareto principle and quotes it at every opportunity. The basic idea is that about 80% of the result comes from 20% of the work (and the converse: you do 80% of the work and get only 20% of the benefit). Business people talk about this concept often.… Continue reading wait and drink tea

Don’t care if you’re couthie or not…if you shoogle it, you’ll end up draekit. Ya (bleedin’) glaekit numptie.

This blogpost has nearly no actual content. It has a bit, but it’s definitely content light. My friend Jenny recently gave me several Scottish words, and I just had to employ them in any way possible. I had an elaborate plan to create an epic story using my new words, but then I realised I could… Continue reading Don’t care if you’re couthie or not…if you shoogle it, you’ll end up draekit. Ya (bleedin’) glaekit numptie.

in search of a flatter earth

Although I’ve been in an airplane and seen the curve of the horizon, I could definitely argue for the logic of a flat-earth. If the globe was really round, why don’t we lean one way or the other. How can the Chinese live their whole life upside down? Think about it. I’ve heard about Newtonian… Continue reading in search of a flatter earth