little Vizslas


Insomnia has struck, so I’m up in the night looking at old photos.

Have another blogpost in the works about Schoko Bär, but it’s not quite ready, so this’ll have to do.

These are photos from when Ella and Louis were still tiny. Puppies are a bit like babies in that everyone thinks their precious little drop of sunshine is the cutest thing that has ever existed. Sometimes it’s simply not the case.

But Ella and Louis are the exception. Yes, I know everyone thinks they’re somehow more objective on this.


That’s them (with littermates) in their house in Hamburg. Don’t they look adorable? This was all I had to look at before taking the ICE train up there at Easter seven years ago. Sometimes I get really choked up when I think about all we’ve been through over the years. Enjoy the photos, yeah?



  1. No, it’s not that you’re biased. It’s that Ella and Louis (and their littermates) were absolutely the most adorable puppies in the world, is all. Nothing biased about the truth. And it’s OBVIOUSLY the truth, because they’re STILL the most beautiful dogs in the world and my most favorite beautiful happy red internet dogs.

    (My brother’s beagle was a pretty damn cute puppy, too. But I have a hound bias. Something about those huge old ears and big mournful eyes on a teeny little puppy, I don’t know.)

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