Lately, I’ve been moving house, saying goodbye to the lady with whom I used to live and pretty much just trying not to freak the fuck out. Today, I’ve got no appointments for the first time in eons…getting on a train and just going. No-one knows where. You know there’ll be a blogpost about it.… Continue reading blogging takes a backseat
Tag: blogpost
going home (if there even is such a thing)
This might be a bit strange- this blogpost. Yes, I’m aware my writing can be odd on a semiregular basis, so this isn’t necessarily the most shocking opening gambit, but nevertheless…you’ve been warned. See, I want to ask one of those big questions that blogging really isn’t capable of tackling. This is a novel-sized theme.… Continue reading going home (if there even is such a thing)
smoke and mirrors
Today I found out about a friend’s death, and I’m so disoriented that I find my emotions swirling here and there. I might be able to leave impressions scrawled on the page, but at the moment I can barely have a conversation with those closest to me. I regularly read about how unreal the friendships… Continue reading smoke and mirrors