We royally screwed up both our German & our American Christmases. It turned out alright in the end, but my plan was to use this as a dress rehearsal for the real show. Our kid is only a year old, so although she understands ripping gifts from their wrapping which she got a lot of… Continue reading Dear Santa, define naughty
Tag: whimsy
Oversharing about overspending & belt tightening & why Andrea’s question has me writing this to begin with
I’ve been accused of oversharing, but then I always remember my friend who shared a photo of her naughty bits on twitter to make a point. Why do I mention that? Well, I suppose I do say things online that others wouldn’t. And when I do so, it sometimes makes the people I love cringe.… Continue reading Oversharing about overspending & belt tightening & why Andrea’s question has me writing this to begin with
This post is brought to you thanks to bifurcated sleep…
Ok, the long and short of it is that I don’t sleep well in the summertime. Not sure if I ever did, but it seems to have gotten progressively worse with age. Old man problems, right? I suppose so. So, I’ve gotten into the weirdest sleep schedule that can only be described as bifurcated sleep.… Continue reading This post is brought to you thanks to bifurcated sleep…
whimsy in the sunlight
Can’t quite remember when I took this, but I love the whimsy in the above face. Lots going on in the world of Lahikmajoe, but I want something new to show up here periodically even when I’m occupied elsewhere. More soon…you can hardly wait, can you?
do what you love
This is one of my photos from London, and I’ve been considering different ways to continue blogging about those two trips. See, for those who haven’t been following at home, I went to London to see Robert Godden and hang out with my friends Nigel (this blog’s London correspondent) and @elaine4queeen this autumn, and then… Continue reading do what you love
Mustard and a Piece of Bread
We’ve been playing together for a little more than a year, Jarrod and I…parties and other informal events. Several times at the International Songwriters Evening Munich, which has been a pleasure. Nevertheless, we have plenty of other things going on, so we haven’t bothered coming up with a name. We play our own tunes, as… Continue reading Mustard and a Piece of Bread
perplexed by an unsolicited package
This is the perfect blogpost for tumblr. That site still confuses and irritates me, but I’ve been spending more time there and eventually I’ll understand how to better create tumblr content. But…this: what I’m about to write…it’s not a full blogpost. It’s an unfinished thought. It’s the beginning of a story and the promise of… Continue reading perplexed by an unsolicited package
where to store your meat
So I’ve tried writing about serious topics here, and gotten very little response. I’ve included a bit of whimsy, and that attracted some dialogue and then some. To be fair, what’s one to say in response to not very anonymous? That Shakespeare didn’t really write the plays? Please. If you really believe that, you and… Continue reading where to store your meat