Doing business in DACH (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland) on the fly

While writing about my clients’ needs branching out and doing business outside of Germany, I realised it might be easier to explain German business to the Germans themselves. As an Ausländer (foreigner). Why? Many small and medium sized companies in Germany, Austria and even Switzerland (the DACH Region) still do more business at home or… Continue reading Doing business in DACH (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland) on the fly

Contemplating the Continental Breakup

the idea of Europe I’ve thought quite a bit about how I’d introduce this topic. It’s complicated and nearly impenetrable. Notice I didn’t say impossible. But many Europeans I talk to don’t know where to begin. Or they’re so overwhelmed with the whole thing that they shy away from even trying to start. Many people… Continue reading Contemplating the Continental Breakup