in the valley of ass-whoopin’ (Wuppertal) on the way home after an Odyssean journey

The Schwebebahn in Wuppertal used to be on my bucket list…not anymore. An Odyssean journey through Berlin and Hamburg ended in paradise.

Tell me another story about baseball…oh, the humanity

Explaining baseball and trying to get across my love for the Cubs

Few Europeans can get into this weird antiquated game that such a small segment of society understands, or even wants to. How to present it to them, when they have little or no context

(Not losing my mind)Drive train gone getting on the A95

Here’s some current content, which only serves one purpose. For every ten posts, it’s good to mostly focus on your readers or followers or whatever you want to call them. However, it’s also important to show your personal side.
People want to do business, or even just interact, with other people they like. It’s that simple.

Walking the Camino to Lindau first…

So I’m packed and ready to do my second preparation day for the big day. At first I thought I might leave either Thursday or Saturday, but my wife informed me this afternoon when I returned from a decent 15 km walk that she’s planning on me leaving Thursday. Looks like that’s the big day,… Continue reading Walking the Camino to Lindau first…

Forza Italia

Another year gone & here we are in Italy. Again. Its where we summer. Our daughter is now talking. You should hear her say, ‘Please’ & ‘Thank you.’ Today she even started saying, ‘Grazie’ and it made my heart melt a little. Here we are in the land of Forza Italia. The country where people… Continue reading Forza Italia