(Not losing my mind)Drive train gone getting on the A95

A view from the Road…not sure if this is Italy or Germany, though

Here’s a day in the life of Yours Truly (aka @lahikmajoe):

Was driving toward Krailling, which is a little village just outside of Munich not far from Lake Starnberg, with my car full of musical instruments for a rehearsal and my computer for a meeting with a client, when my car stopped driving.

Not even kidding.

The motor was still running, but it just wouldn’t drive. And here I was on the A95. Damn!

What do I do now?‘ I heard myself asking.

Who was I talking to?

The universe?


The gods of traffic and or broken down cars?

There must be a patron saint of such a thing, but I must’ve missed that day in Sunday School.

Resolved to get this blog (my miscellaneous blog) back off the ground a few weeks ago, because I’ve got clients who don’t understand, yet, the benefit of creating fresh content. That means I’ve got to actually practise what I’m preaching.

Here’s some current content, which only serves one purpose. For every ten posts, it’s good to mostly focus on your readers or followers or whatever you want to call them. However, it’s also important to show your personal side.

People want to do business, or even just interact, with other people they like. It’s that simple.

What happened to me and the car on the side of the Autobahn? Had it towed not once but twice thanks to the bureaucracy of the German automobile association, what’s called ADAC.

Was I frustrated? Yes, that’d be an understatement. Did it work out in the end? Yes, that too.

Here’s my message:

When you’re building an online community, you decide how much of yourself you want to share. It’s completely in your hands. Can people comment on your material? Yes, but you can alter your settings, like I have, to only allow the comments to be published that you think are appropriate.

It’s a tool, this blog. You’ve got to spend time with a tool before you can really understand how it works. If you’re my client, I’ll help you understand your options. That’s what I do.

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