Shedding the Kummerspeck

  Why do I find myself going back again and again to photos of my trip to Seville? It’s not only that it’s such a beautiful place – I’ve seen my share of those. There’s something about Spain in general and Seville in particular. So this is a bending, sunlit corridor. At this particular moment,… Continue reading Shedding the Kummerspeck

slowed to a crawl

Because of a new job and other obligations, there hasn’t been much time for blogging lately. Nevertheless, I was going through photos of Seville recently and  was reminded of the above moment when I escaped the burning sunlight. If you’re wondering whether this place was as peaceful as it looks, the answer is yes. My… Continue reading slowed to a crawl

tapas and a breath of fresh air

Had seen everything I was going to see on this trip to Seville and it was time for a break. Having been advised that this place was particularly good, I made a beeline for El Atún. Just to be sure I got it right, I’d written down my order: ‘espinaces con garbonthes‘ (spinach with chickpeas)… Continue reading tapas and a breath of fresh air