Enjoy the ride while you can, my little Marillen on the Austrian team. This could get a bit bumpier.

This year’s UEFA European Championship, also referred to as Euro 2016, is already in full swing. I’ve been deliberating writing about this year’s hooligans, which I might still do, but at this point I’m spending so much time just watching as much of the football as I can manage. Instead, I’m so inspired by how Austria has been doing,… Continue reading Enjoy the ride while you can, my little Marillen on the Austrian team. This could get a bit bumpier.

deciding in Portuguese

Often, I wonder if I’m at a severe disadvantage living in a country where the language being spoken is not my own. My German is quite good – well, passable. I love the culture, as well as the language, and I’m eager to learn and understand more. Nevertheless, there’s still this niggling thing in the… Continue reading deciding in Portuguese