Enjoy the ride while you can, my little Marillen on the Austrian team. This could get a bit bumpier.

This year’s UEFA European Championship, also referred to as Euro 2016, is already in full swing. I’ve been deliberating writing about this year’s hooligans, which I might still do, but at this point I’m spending so much time just watching as much of the football as I can manage. Instead, I’m so inspired by how Austria has been doing,… Continue reading Enjoy the ride while you can, my little Marillen on the Austrian team. This could get a bit bumpier.

something rotten in Hungary

I have no business writing about this. With resolve, I avoid writing about American or British politics. Why would I wade into the subject of Hungary’s policies? Why indeed? Although I’m not a European citizen, I take the idea of community seriously. And my community is in crisis. Really? Isn’t that a bit strident? You’re… Continue reading something rotten in Hungary

the wild cow that kept on giving

What happened this last year? Big things, right? Revolutions? Yeah, we had a few of those. The Greeks have agreed to start paying their taxes in 2011. Oh, wait. Did I speak to soon? I suppose I might’ve. I guess you could chalk it up to human nature, but the divisions within Europe have begun… Continue reading the wild cow that kept on giving