no matter what wanderlust comes upon me

The sun has made an appearance after a long winter, and it’s time to go outside. If you know anything about my dogs Ella and Louis, you know that means we’ll be going up up up. They love to hike in the Alps, and I don’t blame them. In the last few days, I’ve heard… Continue reading no matter what wanderlust comes upon me

Dragged with vim & vigour

Taking the hounds out for a walk takes on a whole new meaning when you’re wearing your roller blades, doesn’t it? So much holiday preparation going on this last weekend, but we still had time to go out and seize the day. Apparently, aside from decorating Christmas cookies, letting Ella and Louis pull her along… Continue reading Dragged with vim & vigour

Once you get a taste of The Daily Argus, you can’t get enough

[youtube] This YouTube video made my day, and I was already having a rather good one to begin with. A good day, that is. It’s a Vizsla trying to get a Tater Tot…the YouTube blurb says that after the taping, Argus eventually got the object of his desire. Heart warming, eh? You know this… Continue reading Once you get a taste of The Daily Argus, you can’t get enough

more daydreaming

This sculpture is one I pass regularly as I walk my dogs Ella and Louis along the River Isar. Something about her staring off in the distance pleases me immeasurably. Recently, I noticed that someone had spray painted some nonsense on her side, and I thought, ‘I’m glad I’ve got multiple photos of her without… Continue reading more daydreaming

loud, dirty and grey…just the way we like it

“Die Berliner sind unfreundlich und rücksichtslos, ruppig und rechthaberisch, Berlin ist abstoßend, laut, dreckig und grau, Baustellen und verstopfte Straßen, wo man geht und steht – aber mir tun alle Menschen leid, die nicht hier leben können!” (“The Berliners are unfriendly and inconsiderate, gruff and self-opinionated, Berlin is repulsive, loud, dirty and grey, construction works and… Continue reading loud, dirty and grey…just the way we like it

Bound to be adventures in Berlin

  Going to Berlin tomorrow, and although there’s no wifi in the flat we’re staying in, the city is purportedly all wired up. You can connect anywhere there, or so I’ve been told. I’ve written about the capital of Germany on this blog before. What, you don’t believe me? Check out these links: Berlin, Berlin,… Continue reading Bound to be adventures in Berlin

Don’t Mess with the River Isar

Don’t Mess with the River Isar Oh man. This is good. There are plenty of things I’ve got to write about, but this Don’t Litter ad is making the rounds – I saw it at the Eldorado Cinema last night – and I think it’s brilliant. At the end, it says, ‘Zuhause machst du’s ja… Continue reading Don’t Mess with the River Isar

Unterwegs with plenty I should be doing otherwise

The FilmfestMünchen is thankfully behind us. It’s the only week of the year where we can see a variety of independent film and even some not-yet-released-in-Europe bigger movies; however, the way I do it involves quite a lot of screenings. My eyes may or may not be rectangular, as a result. There are still reviews… Continue reading Unterwegs with plenty I should be doing otherwise

licking her lips atop the ‘sea mountain head’

It was the first hike of the season last weekend, and it took me this long to upload the photos. Ella and Louis look rather regal, don’t they? We took the train to Bayrischzell, which is an area of Upper Bavaria we know quite well. We’ve hiked here often. Sitting in the square before we… Continue reading licking her lips atop the ‘sea mountain head’

a clear picture in a dark cinema

The last week was spent watching movies. Mostly. Of course, Ella and Louis still needed to go out, and I had a day trip to Bamberg on business. That’s to say, life didn’t stop for the Filmfest München, but plenty was put on hold. There are not only plenty of film reviews left to write,… Continue reading a clear picture in a dark cinema