Put your devices away…machines aren’t people

we’ve come to steal your attention

There’s a line in a newer Cat Stevens’ song where he makes some weird reference to putting machines behind us. Since Advent, Miriam and I have tried to do a digital detox.

Eventually, we’ll get to where we don’t even look at our little machines (phones, tablets, and computers) on Sundays, but at this point that’s too much.

Instead we do a social media detox, where we don’t post anything for a whole day. I’m sure my loyal readers miss me those endless hours when I’m not available (sarcasm intended), but as Miriam says, ‘Schade.’ (too bad)

Whatever photo I’ve taken of my sandwich is going to have to wait to be posted until Monday, or simply not at all. How are you supposed to know what we had for lunch today?

Well, you could just call and ask me.

That’s why we haven’t yet given up everything on Sundays, but that is eventually the end goal. Nowadays, we still use our devices to call and stay in touch. In the near future, we won’t even do that. We’ll just be gone.

It’ll be fine. You’ll be fine & so will we.

This social media lark is just that. It’s not serious. No matter what you’ve been told. Nothing going on online is more important than the people sitting in front of you.

Today, my family takes precedence. Period.

Everyday, actually.

It’s just that today it’s more pronounced.

More obvious.

1 comment

  1. Euere engeren Freunde sollten sich weiterhin an den Bildern und Videos erfreuen können, speziell die von einer kleinen Person! Ok, notfalls einmal pro Woche die gesammelten Werke.

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