For the second time in the last six months or so one of my Mitbewohner (flatmates) has decided to go shack up with his girlfriend. Move in with his beloved, in other words. All’s well. I wish each of them the best and wonder who’s going to move in next.
Then I strike on a comical thought:
There have got to be women out there who want to take their relationship to the next level, right? Well, my place appears to have some good mojo for just such an objective.
Is your guy hesitant for whatever reason? Will he not communicate his objections?
Have no fear! A few months at mine, and he’ll be raring to go. You’ll have him signing his name on the joint rental lease in no time.
You don’t even live in Munich, you say? No worries. Just send him over, and we’ll sort this out in record time. We might even get him hooked on the local beer in the process.
Just think: you get a new, improved version of your fella. Ready to talk commitment on the one hand, and the makings of an unhealthy relationship with particularly strong beer on the other hand.
I’d consider that a win-win situation, wouldn’t you?
Don’t all of you beat the door down trying to be first in line.
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