This is my new grown up blog.
Normally, I blog about tea over at lahikmajoedrinkstea
Or about living in Germany at lahikmajoeinbayern
But here? Here I plan to write about everything else I’ve wanted to talk about but didn’t fit into those topics.
This is my new grown up blog.
Normally, I blog about tea over at lahikmajoedrinkstea
Or about living in Germany at lahikmajoeinbayern
But here? Here I plan to write about everything else I’ve wanted to talk about but didn’t fit into those topics.
Since everything can be related to tea, I can’t see how you’ll have anything to fit in here 😛
But I’m excited you’re giving WP a go. Well, I know you’ve already “half” given it a go with your Tea Trade blog.
I shall be watching this space.
So this is your grown up blog? But the one about blowjobs, and fuck bells is … Not?
Hullo Jim w,
What a welcome…I wanted to actually try and respond to what you said, but then I thought, ‘What on earth is a fuck bell?’
Then I noticed you had a Comcast email address. It’s possible that your terminology is from an earlier era of the internet. Am in awe of your staying power.
I haven’t really said anything here yet. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say when I actually do.
Oh dear. While Jim W’s comments do seem unduly harsh, it could very well be because he is under the influence of linking over here from my site. I vaguely remember mentioning ALL of these things. Plus, adding a link directly to here. You really should disassociate yourself from me. That is what I get for using the curse words.
However, the term “fuck bell” is kinda growing on me.
Wait wait wait, I only said it cause I saw it on the OTHER blog!! I wasn’t being harsh, I was teasing! I swear!
What a disaster! I just realized who Jim W is and he is VERY nice. This is what I get for cursing on the Interweb. I was obviously not brought up right. On the other hand, this blog is already controversial, and you haven’t even made your first real post…. what a HUGE success!
This whole thing and how it exploded has been a comedy of errors. Hilarious stuff.
Years from now when people ask me how I *met* ‘Jim w’, I shall have a story to tell.
And just for the record, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a Comcast email address. Some of the nicest ex-cons & octogenarians I know have just such an email account.
So you guys have me curious. Searched online for fuck bells and I think I found one. Check out what Betty White has near the end of this clip, is that what you guys are talking about?
Oh, I’m not entirely sure, but I don’t think that’s what they were talking about.
It is curious to me that Betty White is willing to go there, though. I do wish more advertisers/show creators would acknowledge the steamier side of some older people’s lives.
The anticipation is palpable.
Who needs anticipation when you can destroy a blog immediately by wantonly throwing around the term Fuck Bell? I hear the property value of WordPress has gone down recently. I don’t know why.
Really? Another blog? Don’t you have enough to say on your tea blog? Sheesh! Ok, now I want one.