Getting the hang of hosting MunichLovesU


This week I was asked to do the twitter account at @MunichLovesU, and I’ve already done four of the seven days. I’ve tried to write most of the tweets in German, although I was told a mix of English and German would be fine.

So far, it’s been a little odd. I’m so accustomed to my twitter feed, and here’s an entirely new crowd of twitterfolk. Sometimes I’m incapable of even getting in on the conversation because I’m transfixed by all the shiny new people.

Also…irony’s easy in your mother tongue. No matter how well you speak/understand a second language, nuance can be tricky. Some Germans are more droll than you might expect.If this were some sort of performance, I’d say this was a tough room. Like I say, I’ve still got a few days left. Maybe by the end of the weekend I’ll have gotten the hang of it.

The people I know via social media seem to get me. However, it’s taken a significant amount of time and interaction to develop that. I’m not throwing in the towel. Far from it. More importantly, I’m not using the language barrier as an excuse. I read/write German rather well. If anything, this is challenging me to up my game.

The people at the site asked me a few questions at the outset and included my answers on their blog. As long as they’ve gone to the effort, I don’t see why I can’t send you over there. Take a gander, won’t you:

MunichLovesU and their 52 week

Oh, should I have warned you that it was all in German? Well, you probably wouldn’t have clicked over there then, would you?

Hopefully back to your regularly scheduled blogging soon. There’s certainly plenty going on to talk about. Till then.


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