‘Hello Violet,’ he said. ‘It’s Uncle BK…‘
‘Really? All the way from Germany?‘
‘All the way from Germany, yes. I saw you got a hamster. A hamster named Alexander, right? Let me tell you about the history of the domesticated hamster,‘ I started to mansplain to my second oldest niece.
‘Got it covered, Uncle BK. Check out one of my recent YouTube videos,‘ she chirped.
With no further ado, here is Violet in I got a hamster.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixeXXPh4pPs]
Go to Diamond Cookieoftruth.
Subscribe. Really, do it. These girls are hilarious.
Quick and Dirty German Lesson: the German word for hilarious is urkomisch.
Have I not convinced you to go check it out? For further enticement, here’s the blurb on their YouTube channel:
we are the diamond lords we know wichcraft and potions and wiserdrie i know how to stop headches and sore mucles i hope you enjoy the wiserdrie of my channel
Who doesn’t need a bit of ‘wisardrie‘ these days?
They’re my nieces, by the way. Be nice in the comments, y’all.